Sunday, November 10, 2013

A sample Meals for Diabetes

If you have diabetes you should follow a special diet. Here's a sample diabetic meal plan that is about 1,600 calories and 220 grams of carbohydrates. Remember to drink two glasses of 8 ounces of water with each meal.

for Diabetes


(360 calories, 52.5 grams of carbohydrates)

1 slice of whole wheat toast with 1 teaspoon margarine
1/4 cup egg substitute or cottage cheese
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 small banana


( 535 calories, 75 grams of carbohydrates)

1 cup of vegetable soup with crackers 4-6
1 turkey sandwich ( 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 ounce turkey and 1 oz low-fat cheese , 1 teaspoon mayonnaise )
1 small apple


( 635 calories , 65 grams of carbohydrates)

4 ounces chicken breast grilled with basil and oregano sprinkled on top
2/3 cup of cooked rice
1/2 cup of cooked carrots
1 small whole wheat dinner roll with 1 teaspoon margarine
Tossed salad with 2 tablespoons low-fat salad dressings
4 unsweetened canned apricot halves or 1 small slice of angel food cake


( Each has 60 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrates. Choose two a day. )

16 fat-free tortilla chips with salsa
1/2 cup sweetened chocolate pudding
1 ounce string cheese plus one small piece of fruit
3 cups of light popcorn

Maintaining a good eye health

Do not take your eye health for granted. Protect your eyesight with these six tips :

1. Eating for good vision

Protect your eyes starts with the food on your plate . Studies have shown that nutrients such as omega - 3 fatty acids , lutein , zinc and vitamins C and E may help prevent age-related vision problems , such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Regularly eating these foods can help lead to good eye health :

- Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and cabbage
- Salmon, tuna and other fatty fish
- Eggs, nuts , beans and other non-meat sources of protein
- Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices

Eat a balanced diet also helps to maintain a healthy weight , which makes you less likely to get diseases related to obesity , such as type 2 diabetes . Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults.

eye health

2. Quit Smoking for Better Eyesight

Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage , and macular degeneration . If you've tried to quit smoking before and begin again the smoke , keep trying . Studies show that the more times you try to quit smoking , the more likely you are to succeed.

3. Wear sunglasses for good vision

The right kind of sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV). Too much exposure to UV rays makes it more likely to get cataracts and macular degeneration. Choose sunglasses that block 99 % to 100 % of both UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce glare while driving. If you wear contact lenses , some offer UV protection. It 's still a good idea to wear sunglasses for added protection.

4. Use safety glasses at home, at work, and while playing sports.

If you work with hazardous materials or air at work or home , wear safety goggles or safety glasses every time. Some sports such as ice hockey , squash, and lacrosse can also lead to eye injury. Wear eye protection ( such as helmets with face masks or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses ) to protect your eyes.

5. Look away from your computer for good eye health

Staring at a computer screen can cause:

- Eyestrain
- Blurred vision
- Difficulty focusing distance
- Dry eyes
- Headache
- Neck, back and shoulder pain

Protect your eye health by taking the following steps:

- Make sure that your glasses or contact lens prescription is up- to-date and adequate for the use of computers .
- Some people may need glasses to help with contrast, glare and eye strain when using a computer.
- Position your computer so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor. This allows you to look a bit ' at the bottom of the screen.
- Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen , if necessary.
- Choose a comfortable chair and support. Position it so that your feet are flat on the floor.
- If your eyes are dry, flashing.
- Every 20 minutes, rest your eyes , trying to 20 feet away for 20 seconds. At least every two hours , get up and take a break of 15 minutes.

6. Visit your eye doctor regularly 

Everyone, even children, should get their eyes examined regularly . It helps to protect your eyesight and make sure that you are seeing your best. Eye exams can also find some eye diseases, such as glaucoma, who have no symptoms . It ' important to find these diseases in their early stages , when they are easier to treat. Depending on the needs of the health of your eyes , you can see both an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam . Ophthalmologists are medical doctors who specialize in eye care . They can provide general assistance of the eyes, treat eye diseases and perform eye surgery . Optometrists have had four years of specialized training after college. They provide general care of eyes and treat common eye diseases . Do not perform an eye surgery .

A comprehensive eye exam can include :

- Talk about your personal and family medical history
- Taking vision tests to see if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness , astigmatism ( a cornea curve that        blurs vision ) , and presbyopia ( age-related visual disturbances )
- Test to see how well the eyes work together
- Eye pressure and optic nerve test to determine if you have glaucoma
- External examination and microscopic appearance of your eyes, before and after dilation
- It may also need other tests , depending on the particular case.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

40 Best Tips For Your Health

The following are the best tips to implement healthy living. We have a very long research about this. Please read this article until the end if you are able to get the healthy life.

Tips For Your Health

1. Copy your kitty : Learn to do stretching exercises to wake up. It increases circulation and digestion and relieves backache.

2. Do not skip breakfast . Studies show that eating a good breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you're trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast made ​​from fresh fruit or fruit juice, breakfast cereals high in fiber, low-fat milk or yogurt, wheat toast and a boiled egg .

3. Brush hygiene. Many people do not know how to brush their teeth properly . Improper brushing can cause more damage to your teeth and gums as not brushing at all. A lot of people do not wash long enough, do not floss and do not see a dentist regularly . Keep your toothbrush in the same way that it would hold a pencil and brush for at least two minutes. This includes brushing the teeth , the junction of the teeth and gums, tongue and palate . And you do not need a fancy, angled brush - just a rugged, soft-bristled to replace every month.

4. Neurobics for your mind . Get your brain buzzing with energy . American researchers have coined the term ' Neurobics ' for tasks that activate their biochemical pathways of the brain and bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits . Brush your teeth with your ' other ' hand, taking a new road to work or choose the clothes according to the sense of touch rather than sight. People with mental agility tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and age-related mental decline .

5. What you get! Always give and never take ? This is the short road to compassion fatigue . Give yourself and receive from others , otherwise you will get to a point where you have nothing to give. And hey, if you can not receive from others, as you can expect to receive from you ?

6. Get spiritual . A study by the extraordinarily sober and scientific Harvard University found that patients who have prayed for recover more quickly than those who were not, although they were not aware of the prayer.

7. Get smelly. Garlic, onions , spring onions and leeks contain all the things that is good for you. A study conducted at the Institute of Child Health in Cape Town found that eating raw garlic helped fight serious childhood infections . Heat destroys these properties, so eat your raw, wash it down with fruit juice or , if you're a girl , have in tablet form.

8. Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this , but a recently discovered that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea , red wine and olives may also help protect against breast cancer . It is believed that antioxidants help protect you from environmental carcinogens such as tobacco smoke passively.

9. Bone daily . Get your calcium per day by popping a tab, snorting milk or eat yogurt. It will keep your bones strong . Remember that your bone density decreases after age 30 . You need at least 200 milligrams per day, which you should combine with magnesium, or simply will not be absorbed .

10. Berries for your belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain nutrients known as anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries grapes rivals in the concentrations of resveratrol - the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has taken on mythological proportions close . Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.

11. Curry favor. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins , the feel good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful , almost narcotic effect and make you feel good after exercise. But go easy on the lamb , pork and mutton and the high -fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants .

12. Cut the herbs before ops . Some herbal supplements - from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba garlic , ginger , ginseng and feverfew - can cause increased bleeding during the surgery, tell the surgeon. It may be wise to stop taking all medications, including herbal supplements , at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your doctor about your use of herbs.

13. I say tomato. The tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veg pantheon . Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter . They are also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious , so use them in pasta , soups and stews, as well as in salads. The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce the risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases . Both contain the antioxidant quercetin . To enjoy the benefits , eat five apples a week or a tomato days.

14. Eat your stress. Prevent low blood sugar because it stresses you out . Eat regularly and small healthy meals and preserving fruits and vegetables on hand . Herbal teas also calm frazzled nerves . Eating unrefined carbohydrates , nuts and bananas increases the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug . Small amounts of proteins that contain the amino acid tryptamine able to give a push when the stress gets tired .

15. Load up on vitamin C. We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to achieve this is to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guava !

16. No madness of folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly from all pregnant mothers and people with low immunity to the disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in the fetus and may play a role in cancer prevention . It is found in green leafy vegetables , liver , fruit and bran.

17. A for away games. This vitamin , and beta -carotene , help to stimulate immunity against disease. It also assists in the healing process of diseases such as measles and is recommended by the WHO. Good natural sources of vitamin A are the kidneys , liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables , papaya, mango , red pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil .

18. Pure water. Do not have soft drinks or energy drinks while you are exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during exercise ( just do not overdo things , such as drinking too much water can also be dangerous). While you may need energy drinks for long-distance running , in short training sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink, before you start to burn body fat . The same applies to eating sweets .

19. GI Jane . Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index , such as bread, sugar, honey and cereal -based food will give instant energy and speed up metabolism. If you are looking to burn fat , stick to beans, rice, pasta , lentils , peas, soybeans and oat bran , all of which have a low GI .

20. Mindful living . You've probably heard the old adage that life is too short to stuff a mushroom . But maybe you should consider the opposite: that life is too short not to concentrate on simple tasks . Slowing down and focusing on basic things, you clear your mind of everything that worries you . Really focus on the feelings and experiences again observe the rough texture of the skin of a strawberry as you touch it, and taste the juice bitter-sweet , as one bites the fruit , when your partner caresses the hand , pay attention to the feeling on your skin , and learn to really focus on simple tasks , while doing them, whether it's flowering plants or ironing clothes .

21. The secret of stretching. When you stretch , ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold it for about 25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body moves oxygen-rich blood to your muscles sore. Do not bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position .

22. Do your weight training first . Experts say that weight training should be done first, because it is an exercise intensity greater than the cardio. Your body is better able to handle the weight training at the beginning of the workout because you're cool, you have the energy to work . In contrast, cardiovascular training should be the ' last thing you do in the gym, because it helps the body recover , increasing the flow of blood to the muscles , and to flush out the lactic acid that builds up in your muscles while you workout with weights. It 's the lactic acid that makes your muscles are stiff and sore.

23. Burning fat during the intervals . To improve your fitness and lose weight quickly, take advantage of the joys of interval training. Place the treadmill or step machine on the interval program , in which the speed and the workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually , every minute and returns to the original speed . Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous , but you can train for a shorter time , and achieve greater results.

24 . The dirtiest foot forward. If your ankles , knees and hips ache rushing on the sidewalk , head for the dirt. Soft trails or roads are classified much easier on the joints than the hard stuff . In addition, the unpaved surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit ' and focus on where to put your feet - great for agility and concentration.

25. Burn the boredom , skip the bacon . Rev up your metabolism by alternating the speed and intensity during aerobic workouts . Not only should you switch your routine to prevent burnout or boredom , but to give your body a shock . If you normally walk at 6.5 km / h on the treadmill or take 15 minutes to walk a km, the pace going to 8km / h for a minute or so during training. Do this every five minutes or so . Every time you work out , increase your attack speed gradually.

26. Cool off without a beer. Do not eat carbs for at least one hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat , rather than using the food we eat . Stick to fruits and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.

27. ' Okay, now do 100 of those ' . Instead of flailing away at the gym, enlist the help - even temporarily - of a personal trainer . Make sure you learn how to breathe properly and to do the exercises the right way. You will get more of a workout while spending less time in the gym .

28. Quit smoking . Do not smoke and if you smoke already , do everything in your power to get out. Do not buy into that my - grandmother - smoked - and - lives - to-be - 90 crud - not even the tobacco giants believe . In addition to the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopedic surgeons have discovered that smoking accelerates the loss of bone density and restricts blood flow. So you could live up to a 90-year -old amputee smelling of stale smoke . Unsexy .

29. Ask Mad Aunt Edith . Discover your family history. You need to know if there are hereditary diseases hovering your genetic makeup . According to the Mayo Clinic, United States of America , find out what your grandparents died of can provide useful - even lifesaving - information about what's in Serbia for you. And to be honest, not shy : 25 percent of children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves.

30 . Do self- checks . Do regular self- breast exams . Most of the partners are more than happy to help , not only because breast cancer is the most common cancer among women SA . The best time to examine your breasts is the week after your period .

31. My smear campaign . Having a Pap test once a year. It is not on our list of favorite things, but it is of vital importance. Cervical cancer kills 200,000 women a year and is the most common form of cancer among black women , affecting more than 30 percent . But the chances of survival are almost 100 percent if it is diagnosed early. Be especially careful if you have become sexually active at an early age , have had multiple sexual partners or smoke.

32. Understanding the hormones. Recent research indicates that (less than five years) short-term use of HRT is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, but using it for more than ten years could be. Breast cancer is detected earlier in women who use hormone replacement therapy , as they are more attentive to the disease than other women .

32. Beat the sneezes . There are more than 240 allergens , some rare and others very common. If you are a sneezer pollen due to : close the windows of your car while driving, rather than turn on the indoor fan (drawing in air from the outside) , and avoid being outdoors when pollen counts are 5:00 to 10:00 to their maximum ; stick to holidays in areas with low pollen counts , like the sea and stay away from freshly cut grass .

33 . Doggone . If you are allergic to your cat , dog, or parrot pet pig , stop suffering the ravages of animal hair: install an air filter in your home. Keep your pet outside as much as possible and brush away to remove loose hair and other allergens. Better yet, ask someone else to do it.

34. Sport Asthma -friendly. Swimming is the best sport of all asthma -friendly , but the cycling, canoeing , fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to experts. Asthma should not impede peak performance in sports. 11 percent of the Olympic team of the United States had asthma - and between them they won 41 medals.

35 . Deep heat. The sun's rays can burn even through the thick glass , and below the water . Up to 35 percent of UVB rays and 85 percent of UVA rays penetrate thick glass , while 50 percent of UVB rays and 77 percent of UVA rays penetrate a meter of water and wet cotton clothing . Which means that you will need sunscreen while driving your car on holiday, and block water resistant if you're swimming .

36. Aging fragrant. Stay away from scented , flavored with sunscreen smell of coconut oil or orange if you want your skin to stay young . These lotions contain psoralen , which accelerates the aging process . Rather use a fake -tan lotion . Avoid sun beds , which are as bad as the sun itself.

37. Sunscreen can be a smokescreen . Sunscreen is unlikely that prevents it from being burned by the sun, or to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer . This is because most people do not apply in a proper way , and stay in the sun too long . The solution ? Slather on sunscreen daily and reapply often, especially if you've been in the water. How much does it cost? At least enough to fill a shot glass.

38. Laugh and cry . Having a good sob is known to be good for you . So is laughter , which has been shown to help heal bodies , as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body to shake off allergic reactions.

39. It is not over till it's over . Final reports that no longer work for you , you might like to spend time in a dead end. Rather head for more meaningful things . You could be missing opportunities while you're stuck in a rut with no way , trying to create something that is long gone.

40. Strong people go for help. Ask for assistance. Gritting his teeth in the dark will not get you extra brownie points . It ' a sign of strength to ask for assistance and people will respect you for it. If there is a relationship problem , one that refuses to go for help is usually the one with which the problem is going to start.

7 Tips For a Healthy Life

A nip in the air, as summer eases into the fall season. Football season starts , and so does the school. The holidays are just around the corner. So is the flu season. To help keep you healthy over the next few months , we got these tips:

tips healthy

1. Take a Time-out tailgate. It ' an all-American past time - the tailgate party ! Tailgating today has progressed far beyond burgers and fries . You can find everything from cheese dip spicy chicken wings .Do not despair : the tailgate spread must not sideline your weight loss plan . Grilled skewers are great dishes on field . Just spit vegetables , fruits and lean meat, and enjoy your favorite marinade. Seafood , sauces , wraps, and stews are eat well , too. A Crock - Pot of chili - loaded with high-fiber , high-protein beans - is a classic dish tailgate (not forget the Beano ). Just remember , alcohol is high in calories . Enjoy your favorite beer , but go out for drinks with zero calories as party rolls along . It 's all in how you play the game !

2. Sleep Tips for helping kids ' weight. Is your child getting enough sleep ? Otherwise , it could affect more than sleepiness in school. Studies suggest that there may be a link between skimp on sleep and overweight. Lack of sleep can increase hunger hormones - the kids to eat more. In addition, children are less likely to exercise ( and burn calories ) when they are tired . To help children and teenagers get a good night's sleep :

Remove televisions, computers and gadgets for kids' bedrooms .
Avoid large meals before bedtime.
Develop a regular routine of going to sleep.
Set bedtimes and stop times of awakening.
Make sure the room is quiet , dark , relaxing - and not too hot or cold.
Helping children to calm down a couple of hours before bedtime.
Heavy study , text messaging, or video games should end in the early evening.
How much sleep do not need schoolkids ? It depends on the child. But here are some general guidelines of the National Sleep

Foundation :

Ages 3-5 : 11-13 hours
Ages 5-12 : 10-11 hours
Age 11-17 : 9.5 to 9.25 hours

3. Flu Vaccine ? Who ? You . While the temperatures become colder and people spend more time indoors, flu season sneaks inside Because the flu virus can infect the lungs , it can cause a serious complication such as pneumonia - which may require hospitalization , also lead to death . That's why some people have to get a flu shot . October or November is the best time to get vaccinated , but you can still get vaccinated in December or later. Flu season can begin as early as October and last until May. If you live with or care for a child under the age of 2 , you are in a priority group for influenza vaccine. There are two types of flu vaccines : flu shots and nasal sprays . The flu vaccine is indicated for:

Children aged 6 months to 19 years old.
Pregnant women .
People aged 50 and older .
People of any age with chronic medical conditions such as asthma.
People who live in nursing homes or other structures in the long term. Others who could get Flu Mist nasal spray include healthy people 2-49 years who are not pregnant. Also, protect yourself and your child from catching or spreading viruses :

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing . Throw away after .
Wash your hands often with soap and water - especially important after you cough or sneeze on them. Use a hand cleaner containing alcohol , if necessary.
Keeping you and your child away from people who are coughing or sneezing .
Try not to touch your eyes , nose or mouth - because that's how germs spread
In 2009, the ' H1N1 swine flu , a new influenza virus , it has emerged . This virus is spread from person to person, as seasonal flu , mainly through coughing or sneezing , or sometimes by touching something that has been infected with the virus. A vaccine for swine flu is in production.

4. Holiday Game Plan : No weight gain. The challenges of the holiday party are all too obvious - wonderful smells and tastes fabulous . We love our comfort food ! But the traditional holiday weight gain is another matter . If it is a real problem for you, here's good news . With a few simple changes , you can enjoy the party without earning an extra 1-3 pounds that tend to become permanent baggage .

Here is your plan :

Do not arrive hungry. Eat something small and healthy , such as oatmeal or a wholemeal bun, before the big meal. That will keep you full until dinner.
Exercise every day. This means large parties , too. Take the family with you . Start a new holiday tradition that involves the activity .
Establish ground rules with yourself. Eating sweets , but only a fragment , for example.
Track . Write down everything you eat. If you put it in writing , you're less tempted to overeat.
Eat smaller portions of high-calorie dishes . Enjoy, but do not pig out .
Save calories for the foods you love . Do not eat something just because it's there.
Chat more , eat less. Shun those high in fat appetizers at holiday parties .
If you know that you will have trouble resisting those favorite foods , plan for it . Reduce consumption at the beginning of the week. Do more exercise , before and after the holidays. You can do this !

5. Sweet potatoes : Winter Superfood. And ' one of the sweetest ways to make a healthy change - make hot sweet potatoes. These luscious orange tubers have a wealth of antioxidants , phytochemicals including beta - carotene , vitamins C and E, folic acid, calcium , copper, iron and potassium. The fiber in sweet potatoes promotes a healthy digestive system , and antioxidants may have a role in preventing heart disease and cancer. The natural sweetness of a roasted sweet potato is delicious without additional fat or flavor enhancers .

6. Exercise your brain : go dancing. You know your heart benefits from exercise. Your brain does, too. Studies show that regular , moderate exercise - 30 minutes of walking or a light stroke of a mile - helps fight the effects of aging on the brain. No grueling workouts required! All types of account exercise , including walking , cycling , hiking, swimming , aerobics and weight training . Ballroom dancing is another good, especially on chilly evenings entertainment. How exercise works to prevent mental decline ? Researchers believe that exercise can stimulate the body to fight the stress that is normally occur in the brain - the stress that causes oxidative damage. All that good stuff a bit ' of exercise!

7. Curl up with Hot Coffee. How wonderful warming cup of coffee in the morning can have health benefits . The caffeine in coffee stimulates the brain and nervous system , and can reduce the risk of diabetes , Parkinson's disease , mood disorders , headaches, and even cavities. Scientists have found many beneficial substances of the coffee , including chlorogenic acid , a compound of the family antioxidant that can improve the glucose (sugar) metabolism. Another advantage is that the coffee contains magnesium , a mineral that can also improve insulin sensitivity and improve glucose tolerance - thumbs up for the prevention of diabetes.

Another advantage is that coffee is naturally calorie-free . Just do not load it with extra calories of cream , sugar, whipped cream , and / or flavored syrup .

Friday, November 8, 2013

Food Hooked: Myth or Reality?

The announcement that the binge eating disorder (BED) was included as a psychiatric condition in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM - 5 ) , did not come as a surprise.

The DSM -5 is the current edition of the great reference book of Psychiatry and Psychology define the many different deviations of the psyche for the purpose of classification, treatment and therapy. Anorexia nervosa , bulimia and even obesity have been included in the DSM for over 30 years (Kaplan & Sadock , 1981) .

But now Dr. Suzanne Dickson , a researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is reported to have suggested that binge eating obesity may be a type of food addiction (Browser , 2013). Dr Dickson was speaking at the 26th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress in Barcelona , Spain.

Food Hooked

Dependency theory

The popular press is full of articles that compare foods , particularly fatty foods and sweets, to narcotics and argue that sugar is as addictive as a drug.

" The Secret Power of sugar over the mind," an article published in the Sunday Times Cherrill Hicks (2013), explains the concept of " hedonic hunger " , a powerful unit that makes certain foods irresistible. According to the article , hedonistic hunger is how our bodies respond under the influence of the reward center of the brain that makes us eat certain foods for the simple pleasure of eating them. These foods are invariably not steamed broccoli or fish, but high in fat, high in sugar and also foods that are high in salt. Apparently our brains light up during neuroimaging when we are exposed to such foods in the same way that the brains of opiate and alcohol glow when presented with their medications chosen . The reaction is related to the release of dopamine in the brain , which is in turn associated to the system of awards. In addition , ghrelin hormone usually produce in our stomach when we need energy that stimulates hunger and the response of eating , is also produced when we see or smell or even think of these high-fat foods, rich in sugar .

The theory postulates that this system hedonic hunger was developed as a survival mechanism over eons of feast and famine during human evolution . Because food was scarce for thousands of years , when energy-rich , calorie-laden foods suddenly became available (for example , a mammoth successful hunting or searching for a beehive !) , Hedonic hunger made ​​humans eat too much so that we a hidden reserve of energy in our fat stores for times of lean and hungry who ruled until about a century ago. Then alas, we have become adept at controlling our food supply and famine were no longer the rule in some areas of the globe. But our primitive neurological make- up, which is probably closer to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to that of an astronaut, still drives us to overeat when we are faced with these foods for survival.

Dutch reaction

Lawmakers in the Netherlands have called for a legislation to force sugary drinks to carry health warnings that sugar is ' highly addictive and dangerous ' (Daily Telegraph , 2013). According to a front-page article in the Times , the head of health services in Amsterdam, Paul van der Velpen , said " Just like alcohol and tobacco , sugar is actually a drug . " He went on to declare that " the use of sugar should be discouraged. And users should be aware of the dangers . " This concern for an addictive substance recently identified in a city where dagga can be purchased legally, does not make one wonder about the priorities of these legislators Dutch .

The obesity conundrum

While theories dependence of food consumption are plausible , the suggestion that obesity is an addiction to food as suggested by Dr. Dickson , needs further investigation. She claims that up to 20 % of obese patients also suffer from binge eating disorder , but that the normal-weight people also often suffer from this condition without gaining weight .

At this point, Dr. Dickson says that "The evidence is insufficient in itself to support the idea that food addiction is a mental disorder . " I, for one , am relieved that although binge eating disorder was included in the -5 DSM as a mental condition , binge eating obesity has not yet been classified as such. Although there are physiologically wired to react to signals from the nervous system and brain , obesity is a condition so complex that has its origins in a variety of contributing factors that I would not accept this type of classification . On the one hand make life marginally easier for obese patients not to be judged as ' weak and out of control ' , but could also be used as an excuse for overeating . " I can not help gorging on fat and sugar , because I have a mental illness ! '

Opposing Views

I was interested to read that Dr. Hans - Ulrich Wittchen , who acted as moderator of the session of Congress in Barcelona above , warned delegates that seek to classify certain types of obesity as an addiction because of a mental illness , it is was " premature. " As one of the people who was responsible for the development of DMS -5 , Dr. Wittchen at the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy , Technical University of Dresden , Germany, said it is difficult to say whether a certain food components actually do create some brain disorder that would justify classifying them as a dependency. He also disputes the claim that the supposed brain's reaction to foods rich in fat and high sugar content is a ' brain disease ' ( Brauser , 2013).

A word of caution

I have always believed that moderation in all things is the golden rule , and that also applies to the witch hunts of certain foods , instinctive reactions to the dramatic sounding new research and trying to solve a global problem that has multiple sources with a solution pool. If we ban all foods high energy, or force them to carry ' health warnings ' and our population continues to suffer from obesity due to genetic factors or lack of exercise or poverty or lack of healthy foods accessible , then we can do our species a disservice. A solution of many fronts is necessary to solve a problem as big as the obesity epidemic here and in the world and until more concrete evidence is produced by a large body of scientific research, I think that the theories of addiction to food and the classification of obesity as a mental illness should not still be embraced as gospel until more research evidence is collected .

7 Tips For Skin Care So That Healthy

Do not have time for intensive skin care ? Pamper yourself with the basics. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems. Start with these five no-nonsense tips .

skin care

1. Protect yourself from the sun One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles , age spots and other skin problems - as well as increase the risk of skin cancer. For the most complete sun protection : Use sunscreen . Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. When you are outdoors , reapply sunscreen every two hours - or more often if you are swimming or sweating . Seek shade . Avoid the sun 10:00 to 04:00 , when the sun's rays are strongest. Wear protective clothing . Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts , long pants and wide-brimmed hats . Also consider laundry additives , which give clothing an extra layer of UV protection for a number of washes , sun protective clothing or special - that is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays .

2. Treat your skin gently Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it fresh : Limit your bath time . Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin . Limit your bath or shower time , and use warm - rather than hot - water. Avoid strong soaps . Strong soaps and detergents can remove the oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers . Shave with care. To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream , lotion or gel before shaving . For the closest shave , use a clean, sharp as a razor. Shave in the direction of hair growth , not against it . Dry. After washing or bathing , gently pat or blot the skin with a towel so that some ' moisture remains on the skin. Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For daily use , consider a moisturizer that contains SPF .

3. Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best . Eat plenty of fruits , vegetables , whole grains and lean protein. The association between diet and acne is not clear - but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates may promote younger looking skin.

4. manage stress. Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin - and a healthy state of mind - take steps to manage stress. Set reasonable limits , scale down your to-do list and make time to do the things that you like. The results may be more dramatic than you expect.

5. Read the labels. Many products and ingredients that we use every day could actually be the culprit for causing congestion and acne cosmetics ( small bumps on the skin). If you are getting control congestion that is not caused by products such as silicon -based heavy make up and make up primer , heavily pigmented or dark lipstick , blush and bronzing powders , colored moisturizing , spray tans , heavy oil or petroleum-based products such as baby oil , serums and hair sprays. Switching to a natural mineral makeup and using a exfoliating cleanser congestion will be gone in no time.

6. Moisturize . When skin suffers from problems of hydration, be it surface dehydration that affects up to 98% of the Australian population and can not be cured simply by drinking water is impossible to have glowing , beautiful skin . If you think your skin is constantly dry - ask for an appointment with a skin specialist to make sure that your skin routine is suitable for your skin . Of course , it is important to keep yourself hydrated through water also , to have happy, healthy skin .

7. Keep it simple . Overzealous cleansing and exfoliating can rob your skin of its natural oils and moisture that lead to dry, irritated and break prone skin . Avoid scrub corrosive course , products based on astringent and ingredients of acne , such as benzoyl peroxide , triclosan and toner alcohol for long term use . These should never be used only in the short term for the treatment of acne flare -up, the long-term use can do more harm than good

8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Sure, you can lose weight fast. There are a lot of diets that work to lose weight fast - while leaving you feeling hungry and private sectors. But what weight islosing only to regain it? To keep the pounds off permanently , it is better to lose weight slowly . And many experts say that you can do without going on a "diet" . Instead , the key is to make simple changes to your lifestyle.

One pound of fat - is equal to 3,500 calories . Shaving 500 calories per day through dietary changes and exercise, you can lose about a pound a week. If you only need to maintain your current weight , shaving 100 calories a day is enough to avoid the extra 1-2 pounds most adults gain each year.

Take one or more of these strategies , painless, simple to help you lose weight without going on a "diet" :

1. Eat breakfast every day. A habit that is common to many people who have lost weight and kept it off is eating breakfast every day. " Many people think that skipping breakfast is a great way to cut calories , but usually end up eating more during the day , says Elizabeth Ward , MS , RD, author ofThe Pocket Idiot's Guide to the new food pyramid . " The studies show people who eat breakfast have lower BMI at breakfast - skippers and perform better , whether in school or in the boardroom . "Try a cup of whole grains topped with fruit and dairy products low in fat and nutritious for a quick start to your day.

2. Close the kitchen at night. Establish a time when to stop eating so as not to give in to the late night snack or snacks while watching mindless television. " Having a cup of tea, sucking hard candy or enjoy a small bowl of ice cream or frozen yogurt light , if you want something sweet after dinner, but then brush your teeth so you will be less likely to eat or drink anything else " , suggests Elaine Magee , MPH , RD, WebMD " Recipe Doctor" and the author of Comfort food aesthetics .

3. Choose liquid calories wisely. Sugary drinks pile on the calories , but do not reduce hunger like solid foods do. Satisfy your thirst with water, sparkling water with citrus , skim or low fat milk, or small portions of 100% fruit juice. Try a glass of vegetable juice nutritious and low calorie to keep you longer if you get hungry between meals. Be careful of alcohol calories that add up quickly . If you tend to drink a glass or two of wine or a cocktail on most days , limiting alcohol to the weekends can be a huge savings in calories.

4. Eat More Produce. Eat plenty of low-calorie , high-volume fruits and vegetables crowds out other foods that are higher in fat and calories . Move the meat off the center of your plate and pile on the vegetables . Or try starting lunch or dinner with a vegetable salad or bowl of broth-based soup , suggests Barbara Rolls , PhD , author of Volumetrics eating plan . 2005 Dietary Guidelines of the Government of the United States suggest that adults get 7-13 cups of produce every day. Ward says that this is not so difficult : "Store your kitchen with lots of fruits and vegetables at every meal and snack , and includes a couple of servings , " she says. " Your diet will be enriched with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients , fiber, and if full of super- nutritious products , you will not be reaching for the cookie jar . "

5. Go for grain . By substituting whole grains for refined grains such as white bread , cakes, cookies and pretzels, you add much needed fiber and will fill up faster so you're more likely to eat a reasonable portion . Choose wholemeal bread and pasta , brown rice, bran flakes , popcorn, and crackers rye .

6. Check your environment . Another simple strategy to help cutting calories is to control your environment - everything from stocking your kitchen with lots of healthy options for choosing the right restaurants . This means avoiding the temptation to stay away from restaurants all-you -can-eat . And when it comes to parties, "eat a healthy snack before so you will not be hungry , and be selective when you fill up your plate at the buffet ," suggests Ward. Before going back for more food , wait at least 15 minutes and have a big glass of water .

7. Trim portions . If you have done nothing but reduce the portions of 10% -20%, you should lose weight . Most of portions served both in restaurants and at home are larger than necessary . Pull out the measuring cups to get a handle on the usual portion sizes, and work on paring down . Get instant portion control by using small bowls , plates and cups, says Brian Wansink , PhD , author of Mindless Eating. Do not feel deprived of food will be abundant on the dishes.

8. Add More Steps . Get yourself a pedometer and gradually add more steps until you reach 10,000 per day . Throughout the day , do everything you can to be more active - pace while talking on the phone , take the dog for a walk more, and march in place during TV commercials . Having a pedometer serves as a constant motivator and reminder.